A Pet-Friendly service that will grow on you....
Holliston MA and surrounding towns

A safer lawn service through communication and education.
It is important to me that each of my clients understand why I recommend a service, and exactly what that service entails. Maintaining regular communication creates safer applications for your family and pets.

....Germinating seed
Sept 2020

....16 days after germination

...First cut, mid-October 2020
HappyDog Photo Gallery

Adams St, Holliston
Hillside Dr, Holliston
Buck, 7
Mae, 9

Lawn Improvement Services
Has it been a while since your last lawn aeration? Have you NEVER aerated?? My aeration and slice-seeding services are a great first step in creating the lawn of your dreams...

Bluegrass/Fescue Lawn
Holliston, July 2020.....

Soil testing is Step 1 on your way to a healthy lawn. Results allow me to formulate YOUR specific plan to correct any deficiencies. Organic fertilizer programs available.

Soil Testing and Fertilizer Services
Weed and Insect control
Spot treatments and preventative programs to reduce pesticide use. All applications communicated ahead of time with every client. Mulch bed weed suppression programs also offered.

Max, 6
Otis, 15

Otis, 14

HDLC Testimonials

Our yard was a weedy mess. Matt explained that it would take a couple seasons to make the yard beautiful, so far so good! So glad to have such an honest person to work with...
Dana K, Hopkinton
We have 2 young children and Matt was so good about communicating when he was coming and what he was applying. We were so sick of dealing with the "mystery lawn guy" with previous companies. Thanks Matt!
Brian W, Holliston
Through proper soil testing, Matt was able to determine that our pH level was extremely low. Matt explained what that means and after one season of amendments, the lawn already looks so much better. Nice to know we have such an experienced local lawn guy
Bryan B, Holliston

As a local parent of kids and a dog, it is my mission to provide high-quality services for my valued clients while keeping your family's health and safety at the forefront.
I spend time with each client to develop a specific plan based on property needs and areas of concern. I spent twelve years as a Golf Course Superintendent and graduated from the University of Massachusetts' Soil Science program. Experience in the turf industry leads me to strongly encourage soil testing. Results show your soil's deficiencies and can actually save money in the long run by reducing unnecessary applications. For more information or general inquiries, call or email me anytime.
Other Odds and Ends
Do you have mulch beds to clean out? Small trees to remove? Drain work to do?
Don't hesitate to ask!

Get in Touch
Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, I'd love to hear from you.
Holliston MA United States
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